About HCCF

Heritage Christian College Foundation (HCCF) is a front-lines player in the battle to win souls and change lives. We have seen and heard that what Heritage Christian College (HCC) does matters. It matters to people who are not part of HCC but who watch from the sidelines in cities and towns across the United States. HCC’s views, moves, needs and directions matter to Christians in the U.S., and in fact, everywhere.

The vision of Heritage Christian College is to “become the flagship Christian university in Africa for the purpose of advancing the kingdom of Christ and national development.”

We (HCCF) are a foundation created to raise support. The roots of the college are in the Bible college (Heritage Bible Institute) that predates the establishment of the college itself by nearly four decades. The Bible college continues as a part of HCC, but the overall institution now offers a considerably broader range of disciplines and degrees.

As a Christian institution of higher learning, HCC aims at “promoting transformative education through active engagement in scholarship, professionalism, and creative pursuits in entrepreneurship.”

About HCC

Students at Heritage Christian College describe the campus as “serene.” We believe it’s an extension of HCC’s values.


Heritage Christian College delivers educational programs based in Christian values. In the developing and quickly modernizing nation of Ghana, HCC serves as an important beacon of Christian faith. Support for HCC means support for faith itself in this region of Africa. Helping HCC to unite and uplift people through faith and the spread of higher education will help in bringing greater stability to Ghana, and in turn, all of Africa.


Education, employment, and the ability to create new businesses and opportunities for others are the ingredients for improving the quality of life. HCC educates its students with these specific goals in mind. This new class of Christian leaders and entrepreneurs will be equipped to create businesses that serve public needs, generate employment opportunities and income, and elevate their communities, thus raising the standard of living in a tangible way.


Giving back, at every level, is at the core of what HCC looks to instill in its students. This includes helping those they know avoid the cycle of lifelong poverty, helping their communities to achieve a higher standard of living, helping Ghana become a great and politically stable nation, and helping HCC to continue promoting these values. We truly believe that an HCC education gives students the needed tools to help themselves for a lifetime and elevate their communities forever.


Even as HCC’s vision for its students extends far beyond the classroom, it still provides a uniquely conceived higher education experience. With courses of study in Business Administration, Information Technology, and Theology, HCC offers degrees that are well-suited to leading Godly graduates to rewarding careers. An HCC degree is means a hands-on practical degree steeped in the values of entrepreneurship, philanthropy, and ethics.

Read more about the story of the HCC difference.

About HBI

According to Dan McVey, former director of the school, Heritage Bible Institute (HBI) got its roots in the early 1980’s as a group of students got together to form a school called National Bible Institute. Over the years the school has grown, and changed its name (to Heritage Bible Institute), but its mission has remained the same – to answer the Macedonian call.

Macedonian call (Acts 16:6-10)—not literally from the old Roman province of Bible times but from all corners of modern-day Ghana and beyond, especially from the regions north and west of Accra.

And just as Macedonia became a gateway for the spread of the Gospel into Europe in the time of the Apostle Paul, so Ghana itself is proving to be a gateway for carrying the Gospel of Jesus across Africa. Still a mission field in one sense (as is every place on the globe), Accra, capital city of Ghana, shines with the light of the Gospel and sends the light to other parts of what was once called the “Dark Continent.” Critical to the cause is HBI and its students.

HBI has graduated more than 500 ministers. Some of those graduates are now working and serving in ten countries and within Ghana, they are working in all ten regions.

They preach and they minister, spreading the Gospel of Jesus in both word and deed. They work in hospitals, preaching at the hospitals, praying for those who are sick. They go to the prisons to preach to the inmates. The students also do regular church ministry and speak on the radio.