The HCC Difference

48% of Ghanaian youths aged 15-24 are unemployed. Those lucky enough to actually find jobs tend to only find work inside the informal sector, working just a few hours, or helping on family farms and in family businesses. They scrape by as “necessitous” entrepreneurs doing what they can to survive, with most still unable to provide a steady stream of the basics like food and water for their families.

Given that Africa has the world’s youngest population, the lack of steady, formal-sector jobs is an enormous political and economic risk factor. There are between 10 and 12 million people that are eligible to join the African labor force each year, yet only 3.7 million jobs are created annually.

4 Key Issues

There are common themes cutting across Africa that have lead to this current economic crisis: corruption, unemployment, lack of jobs and poor banking systems. [Read More Here]

These problems are not new ones. But they are ones that have finally met their match.



Africa doesn’t just need strong minds, it needs strong character and strong institutions. The decline of Africa’s economic fortune has exacerbated tensions along traditional fault lines while simultaneously unmasking new ones – making the task of nation building seem even more daunting. To rebuild confidence in the country, strong minds must be built through strong institutions. It is only strong institutions that can guarantee social protection, bring about political stability and ignite economic prosperity.


It is HCC’s mission to help build Africa, equipping students with the tools needed, one course at a time to fight each of these issues. As new buildings begin to break ground and more students enroll, hope continues to rise.

4 Key Solutions




Read more about these solutions here and here.

There is no place you can put your money where it will do more to bring enlightenment and turn the tide against forces of extremism that threaten not just Ghana but the entire region of Africa. Help Africa rise by helping HCC establish a Christian college that instills not just knowledge but Christian fervor.

We hold tomorrow’s Africa in the palm of our hands.